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Web Sites of Interest to Me:

This page is under construction. I am listing it here just to get the ball rolling for myself. Once I get it started, it will be easier to keep it rolling. Keep checking back for updates, and I will try to add to it as I go.

Daniel R. Jennings on the Greek in the New Testament about divorce
A VERY interesting page discussing the greek tenses involved in the passages about divorce and remarriage in Matthew, Mark and Luke. Definitely worth a look, no matter your position on the issue. If you disagree with the idea that a second marriage needs to be undone, you need to be able to answer the points this paper raises, or if you can't, at least be prepared to re-think your position!

Wilcox on the Historical view of divorce and remarriage
This is an e-book about the historical position on divorce and remarriage.... worth a look, for sure.

Wise to consider: When In Doubt, Throw It Out
This is a web page that takes a look at the idea of remarriage after divorce as a continual state of adultery, rather than an act of adultery. The author's position is that if there is reasonable doubt about whether or not God is alright with the remarriage, then it is wise to put it on hold until a definite freedom from God is given to you on the issue.... because "Blessed is he that condemns not himself in that thing which he allows. He who doubts is damned if he eats, because his eating is not from faith, and anything not from faith is sin." This one is something that everyone needs to wrestle with.

If you follow the remarriage argument to its logical conclusion...
I put this link here, not because I agree with it, but in spite of the fact that I don't. I really don't. And odds are you won't, either. But that's the point. If you read this, I hope you connect the dots. This person describes the path the church is taking on the issue of gay marriage, and makes the point that it will eventually become more commonplace and accepted, based on the idea that the bible used to be seen as condemning remarriage after divorce, and it doesn't anymore. So, if it condemned remarriage before as adultery, and it doesn't now, because there are so many loving, healthy, remarried couples, it's only a matter of time until the church buys into the legitimacy of homosexual unions, too, because the church will eventually begin to embrace all the healthy, loving homosexual relationships in fellowship in our churches. Follow the thought process here. Then think again about the historical position of the church on divorce and remarriage. And ask yourself if we have gone in the right direction or the wrong one....

A Thoughtful Writer on Divorce and Remarriage...
This author has some thoughtful posts on the issue of divorce and remarriage. Worth a look.

A look at Remarriage and What To Do With Deuteronomy 24...
This author goes to great lengths to look at ancient near-eastern documents about divorce and divorce agreements from ancient courts at the time of writing of Deuteronomy 24, and presents a reasonable conclusion about what its meaning is. His conclusion, basically, is that it is about estoppel - a legal concept kind of like double-jeopardy. In a nutshell, it is the idea that if the first husband bad-mouths the wife in court by giving her a reputation as "loose" or some other such thing, he can dump her without paying a divorce settlement. If he does, he can't later take her back (after another husband divorces her and pays her alimony, or dies and leaves her an estate payment) by suddenly forgetting he ruined her reputation in the first place. If he said it to dump her without having to take care of her, he can't later simply ignore what he said because it is now convenient to do so. If he said it was true, the courts expect him to have to live with that. He can't take her back now. It stinks of "unjust weights and measures" and double-standards and shady character, simply for what benefits him in the moment. God HATES that.

A website I am exploring
This website gets about a 7/10 from me. I will be honest about this. I'm generally in favour of the material presented here. But there are some articles this web author links to which seem contradictory to other articles. I do believe, from what I have seen, that his motivation is to promote an understanding of the concept that remarriage while an original spouse is still alive is considered adultery in God's eyes. And for that, I commend him. But I do see some places where there seems to be "more heat than light - more smoke than fire." There seem to be a number of posts that he links to that appear to contradict each other. But then again, these are on particular passages where it is difficult to determine exactly what was meant by certain passages in question. Overall, though, definitely worth a look.

A good, simple book on marriage, divorce and remarriage
This link is to an eBook that I found online that deals with the issue of marriage, divorce and remarriage from a pastoral perspective. It seems to be written with compassion and understanding. It deals with the fundamental issue of remarriage, and makes its argument well even without spending a lot of time on controversial passages of scripture in the debate about divorce and remarriage. Definitely worth a look.

Heth on Erasmus and how evangelicals wrongly look at MDR in Matthew...
According to William Heth, the interpretation of Jesus in Matthew that allows for an exception for divorce and remarriage "as first set forth by Erasmus... is the predominant view among contemporary evangelical authors. On the other hand, the evangelical or Erasmian interpretation.. is not even counted a viable option by the vast majority of nevangelical scholars." The predominant view says a "serious sexual sin 'dissolves' the marriage bond," but Heth says this contradicts the clear teaching of the rest of the NT that remarriage after divorce for any cause amounts to adultery." Worth a look.

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